VSWS Organ Donation Form
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A diverse team united by a common objective
VSWS team includes media professionals, corporate professionals, workers, activists, CAs, civil servants, bankers, consultants, teachers and all such people who voluntarily bring their experience, expertise, and perspective to the organization. What unifies them is the common aim of conserving the environment and creating a promising future for unprivileged women, children and youths of our country.
At VSWS, we are committed to our vision to help create better environment in terms of ecology as well as health, happiness and creative womanhood, childhood and youth.
We here at VSWS, target to improve the current society issues by conducting events, encouraging donations, actively participating in them and constantly supporting the deprived part of our society. Our main goal is to provide as much support as possible in improving these existing problems.
Some of our vision or objectives include,
- VSWS strives to provide basic education for the underprivileged children and also protecting them from the malicious operations like child labor or child marriage.
- VSWS actively participates and believes in uplifting the women empowerment movement.
- VSWS cares for the environment and constantly finds ways to protect it.
“We focus on making the society a better place to live in ! “
Our main vision is to tackle these obstacles in the most pre-eminent ways possible.
Our mission is to develop concern, awareness and a sense of answerability towards environment and to shed some light on the situation of the deprived women and children so as to motivate them to seek resolution through individual and collective action thereby enabling them to realise their full potential.
Our mission is to serve the society in the most effective manner by improving the current situations using fundraiser drives and programs. Providing a sense of comfort to the deprived part of our society !
Support & Dignity
We believe that in this era of unsustainable development, every individual deserves a future that they can believe in. At VSWS, we ensure the same by protecting nature and providing them respect, human touch, basic health care, free food and dry ration through a compassionate approach. On every festival we distribute essential commodities to the people of deprived sections of the society. We also conduct various workshops for their skill enhancement.
Our Philosophy
Creating Awareness
We sensitise people on issues that affect environment, women and children through various channels of communication. We also form and participate in networks and alliances to lobby for the common cause we believe in.
Connecting with Local Communities
Through interactions, workshops, seminars and trainings with communities, we make people aware of the need to protect the environment, the need to have proper education and skills to bring about a better living for themselves and their children.
Getting Public Aid
We generate funds and resources (voice, time, skills) from individuals and through institutional partnerships. We encourage people from all walks of life to join us to contribute in creating an environment in which they can lead a healthy and happy life.
Enabling Change
Thus, VSWS works towards ensuring a green and healthy environment for all where men, women and children live, learn, play, express them to bring about lasting change in their lives.
Vijay Social Welfare Society