An Interactive Session on Nutritional Diet By Ms.Vandana Bagadiya(Nutrition Consultant)

On July 17, 2021, Vijay Social Welfare Society organized a session with certified Dietitian Ms. Vandana Bagadiya. With extensive experience in diet and nutrition, including serving as a sports dietitian for MPCA, Indore, and currently as the Vice President of the Indore chapter of the Indian Dietetic Association, Ms. Bagadiya provided valuable insights on the importance of a balanced diet, particularly during the pandemic.

Attended by 20-40 young children, the session featured a PowerPoint presentation where Ms. Bagadiya discussed ideal diets for various age groups and genders. She explained the difference between junk food and healthy food, emphasizing that maintaining a healthy diet does not require completely giving up favorite foods but rather making suitable changes and finding healthier alternatives. Ms. Bagadiya also highlighted the necessity of consistent physical activity to balance calorie intake and discussed dietary strategies effective in warding off Covid-19.

The session was interactive, with Ms. Bagadiya addressing questions from the children with patience and clarity, making it an insightful and educational experience for all attendees.

Let’s do good…

Education is the key of Success

Education is a weapon to improve life. It is probably the most important tool to change one’s life. It is a lifelong process that ends with death. It enhances knowledge, skills, and develops personality and attitude. Keeping these aspects in mind, VSWS organized a cultural program on the importance of education on July 10, 2021.

Around 30 students participated in various activities. They took over the virtual stage with permission and began with a role play titled “Education for Women,” which highlighted how some people still deny their daughters an education, viewing it as a waste of time and money.

Education refines speech and enhances communication skills. Therefore, students delivered speeches and recited poems on the need and importance of education. Writing speeches and reciting poems helps children develop their thoughts and improve their speech patterns.

Education also makes individuals better users of technology. Some students created E-posters on education, drawing their thoughts and writing slogans about its importance. The program concluded with a vote of thanks to the audience.

Students enjoyed each activity and listened to their peers’ opinions about education. Despite adverse weather, health issues, or network problems, their enthusiasm remained unshaken. Every child has a vision of achieving something unique in life. Parents often dream of their children becoming doctors, engineers, IAS officers, sportspersons, or actors. Such goals can be achieved through education. In this competitive era, good education and sound knowledge are essential to achieving life’s goals. Our team is working hard to guide these young minds towards their dreams.


विजय सोशल वेलफेयर सोसायटी द्वारा आयोजित वेबीनार: हम ऐसे क्यों हैं?

Vijay Social Welfare Society on Sunday, July 4th 2021 organised a very enjoyable session with Ms. Ritika Tiwari. Ms. Tiwari who was born in the holy city of Banaras, is an avid reader and a prolific writer. Apart from being an extremely jovial and relaxed person, she’s also an enthusiastic thinker, a habit she tried to inculcate in the participating children. The session was attended by 40 young girls and boys, where Ms. Tiwari introduced herself to the children as one “Ms. Khayali” Session was moderated by Madhavi Moyde.The entire session was abundant with warmth and enthusiasm, and Ms. Tiwari encouraged the children to share what came to their eager minds, and also listen to what their fellow mates had to share. She started with unique questions, making children ponder over the ideas she was aiming at. In a very comprehensive and easy language, Ms. Tiwari explained to the children what Cognitive functions were and how each one of us by the virtue of our minds is different from every other person. She further elaborated on what made human minds different from the ever proliferating AI. To better explain her point, she asked the children to write down 5 things that they liked or hated about themselves or anyone or anything around. The children then were asked to read them put, chance by chance. Ms. Tiwari then explained how each of their likes and dislikes were different, and that similarly all around, every being was special in their own way, and no should change merely to fit in. The session though full of fun was also very insightful for the young minds.

#Lets do good.